The Difference Between a
Hummingbird and a Mountain Lion
The #1 most unattractive trait a man can display in his relationship is NEEDINESS. It is almost literally repulsive to your wife.
In the How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb course we use the metaphor of being a Hummingbird Husband as a way to describe how this nervous energy feels to her and what kind of alternative energy you can embody. This short video comes directly from one of the lessons in the program. Take a look:
How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb is an online course for men with in depth, clear, and practical coaching and skill-building instruction on how to turn your marriage around and become the kind of calm, confident man she will gravitate towards.
Between Now and MIDNIGHT (Mountain Time)
August 11th, Take 50% Off Membership in the Program.
Normally $497 now only $249
DISCLAIMER: This video is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. No user should act on the basis of any material contained in the video without obtaining proper legal or other professional advice specific to their situation.
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